Saturday, April 30, 2011

A Little Tony Gwynn and a Whole Lot of Bill Buckner

Play Ball!!! Boy 1 is now playing Tee Ball and he really likes it. The first practice was held on Tuesday night and it was so funny to watch. Boy 1 has a good, accurate arm. His swing is good, but the fielding gives you the most laughs. But he trys so hard!

It is nothing for all the other kids to just watch the ball roll by them and Boy 1 takes off from any position and go get it in the outfield.

This is where the Bill Buckner comes from in the title.

E.B. Leaves a Note

So if you've seen the new movie Hop you know E.B. stands for Easter Bunny. This year E.B. left us (Boy 1) a note, reminding him he is a little older and faster than Boy 2 so he needs to make sure Grady has a chance to get some eggs also.

As you can see by Boy 1 and Boy 2 stuffing their faces they each did all right!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Our Pride and Joy (A Little Catch-up)

Probably won't be the last time we see them in a cruiser.

Boy 1 and I had our first day of fishing, we had no bites but we can't wait to go again.

Boy 2 can't get enough of peeing outside at every opportunity now.

Yeah, those pajama bottoms aren't going to fit much longer