Friday, December 11, 2009

It's Begining to Look Alot Like Christmas

Well last Saturday we got the apple tree decorated and thank goodness we did.

About 3 hours after finishing we got our first snowstorm of the year. Something happens in the mind of Boy 1 when it snows, it is just like Christmas morning. A few weeks ago we got about an inch of snow one night and that next morning Boy 1 went bizerk!! He flew out of bed and got himself dressed in a hurry. He remembered from last year that he wore long-johns before going out. Apparently he didn't remember what order his clothes went. He ended-up putting them on over his clothes and would not slow down to fix it...........he just had to get outside. Although that first snow melted by 9am he wore his snow pants, boots and all other winter items to daycare. The snow was melting so fast he had more wet leaves on his clothes than snow.

This is a great picture. Carey says it is one of those that we will look back at one day and realize how small they once were.

Sorry, no pics of Boy 2 yet!!! His first adventure in the snow did nothing but piss him off. He's not moving so well in the snow yet. He wasn't in a very photogenic mood!!!

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