Friday, June 4, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Friday night we went to Gardiner to watch fireworks and what an awesome show they put on. Unfortunatley Carey ended-up watching them from the Car. Boy 2 was not a fan of the booms. The show lasted 25 minutes and there was never less than 3 shells in the air at once.

Sunday we took a little drive to Kennebunkport, kinda to check out all of the places we remembered from the puzzle we assembled last year on vacation. That puzzle came in quite handy, even
before we got into town we had decided where we would eat. Federal Jack's Brewery was a big piece of the puzzle, so that was our choice. We went to the beach to play after supper, even though the water was 54 degrees the boys would not come out once their legs went numb.

Monday was the Memorial Day parade. Kinda the same old stuff, but this was probably the last time Navy personnel would march in the parade. By this time next year the base will be completely closed.

Later in the afternoon Carey and the boys planted Pumpkin seeds so that we can plant them in our garden shortly.

And I don't care that he looks like me, has my sleeping habits and is always attached to my leg.....Boy 2 cannot be mine! No offspring of mine would look grouchy having their face covered in powdered sugar at 8:30 a.m.!!!

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