I just keep thinking back to when the BRAC process was happening and all of our State and Local officials kept saying they would rather see it closed than re-alligned to another military function. I wonder what everyones thought would be now that the economy has tanked. The area economy is losing hundreds of millions of dollars from those working on the base, an uncountable amount of volunteer time given by military members and some great memories we had as kids.
Now all that is left is the various failures of base redevelopment and god knows what to the 700 empty military housing units. Though it will be fun to watch the social elite liberals of Brunswick squirm when the lower class move into the housing. Because liberals care so much about helping others, but just don't move them into their backyard.
When we were kids the Blue Angels were always a highlight and treat. I can recall many times either going out on the base or watching from somewhere that gave a great view. I always remember watching from Hunters field here on Foreside Road, which to this day has great views of the base.
We were lucky in the last few years the Blue Angels were here, so we do have some pictures of Boy 1 and Boy 2 at the airshows. That will be their only memories of the base and the many different aircraft that used to fly in the area.
I was able to get two pictures of the last P-3's as they took off yesterday. I almost forgot about them until Boy 2 was looking out the living room window and started howling like he does when he sees them in the sky.