Friday, December 31, 2010

Birth Control

So tonight is New Years Eve and some may participate in to many adult beverages and do something foolish. If this could be you, watch the following video it will snap you back to reality. This little episode went on for 45 minutes, from the car, to the kitchen and up to Boy 2's bedroom all because he couldn't get a lollipop at daycare. Aunt Monica was supposed to stop by to deliver gifts from my sister that night. When I finally got home 30 minutes into this Carey simply said "I don't want to see anyone tonight" Understood!

Douglass Family Christmas Party

The Douglass family party was at Aunt Debbies house this year. As usual there was all of the good food at a know, finger rolls. Though something new this year was a 5lb Hershey's chocolate bar I brought. I won it as a concellation prize after buying one of those FDA donations at a Big Apple. There was no real way to cut this thing up. Jason ended-up out on the deck dropping it from waist high just to get it to break-up.
For all of the Douglass great grandsons this was the year of the remote control car/truck. All four boys had mulitple cars racing around, it was hard work trying to pay attention to the what gifts were being opened in the Yankee Swap and making sure your child wasnt the one responsible for causing someone to blow out a knee or hip.

I was so proud of the work I put into my gift for the swap. I took a roll of toilet paper and put a picture of the Grinch on the outside that said if you want your gift you need to start unrolling. Every 10 feet or so I put a little smart ass comment inside the TP. Finally after about 40 feet worth of unrolling they got to their gift........$25 of scratch tickets (There were also 3 nip bottles inside the original box) It was great watching Tony (My cousin Maries husband) work for his gift. The gift was taken from him which turned out to backfire......all of the tickets were losers!

Candy Cane Train

We went on the Candy Cane Train from Bath to Wiscasset. It is set to emulate the movie Polar Express. Once the train gets moving Santa's Elves (local high school cheerleaders) ask if any of the kids would like to go to the front of the car to listen to story time. Refreshments (Juice and x-mas cookies) are offered, a barber shop quartet sings Christmas songs, a stop in Wiscasset where the elves get off the train and cheer and then the big man shows-up and sits with each child at their seat and asks what they want for Christmas. Sounds like a great time to me if I was a kid. Well you wouldn't know it by the reaction of our to little darlings. They were very unimpressed and grumpy. We now fully believe they are just like Carey and my fathers. Bah Humbug!!

The Underwear Acrobat

What incredible form!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Brotherly Love

The other night Boy 1 agreed to run around in his underwear so that Boy 2 would want to do it also. This makes it easier during potty training for Boy 2 to run to the bathroom every 10 minutes or so and try to go potty. The one drawback is anytime we do this they seem to get very hyper, run, scream and wrestle.

Boy 1 is still stronger so Boy 2 takes the brunt of the attack, but it is getting closer. Luckily when it ends they still end up as buddies............pretty much.