Friday, May 21, 2010

Yard Apes

I've been trying to post this video since May 21st, but just realized that there is a size limit allowed on the web site. So its a couple weeks old but still has comic value.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Boy 2 is Two

It's official we now have a 4 year old and a 2 year old. Dear god, please send help....They are kicking our ass!! Their will is getting stronger everyday.

O.K. people, is someone gonna bring me my gifts?

Well as has become tradition with any Birthday Party, Boy 1 cannot control himself and needs to open someone elses gifts. He gets really frustrated because Boy 2 will open 1 gift and want to play with it and not care about the pile of gifts.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010


Yeah.........I've been slacking in keeping the blog up-to-date. Below are some pictures in April.

Our 1st attempt at making Easter Eggs. It seemed like a nice idea, but we never did anything with them on Easter.

I think next year the Easter Bunny needs to hide the eggs a little better now that Boy 1 is older and clearly quicker than Boy 2.

Boy 2's first haircut..........well sorta. It was more like a stylish trim. It's tough to see how much hair he has with how blonde he is.

Yep, FBI watch list material!