Friday, January 28, 2011

Buzz and Woody

For Christmas the boys each got PJ's from Audrey (Daycare). As you can see they are Buzz and Woody from Toy Story, and I must admit pretty damn cute.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Frosty Comes to Life

Santa brought Boy 1 and Boy 2 a Snowman Kit for Christmas. It is very cool, it has everything you need to make your snowman look real. All you need is sticky snow and sticks for arms. I must say we are very proud of our snowman.

Someone even stopped on the side of the road walked onto the lawn and took a picture.........we are very proud! Unfortunately Boy 2 wouldn't come back from playing to be in the picture.

Though today we had alot of wind and the hat blew off. I went out looking for it and followed its tracks in the snow as it bounced along and then they stopped. It looks like a bird came and picked it he will never come to life. "There must have been some magic in that old silk hat they found......."

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Christmas 2010

I wonder if the Chinese people who work in the toy factory laugh when they are attaching all of these toys to the box just to make our kids get impatient waiting for their toys

Making sure Santa and the Reindeer are well fed

The scene is set has been set

Now there must be more under here with my name on it

I really sold the excitement on this one!