Friday, September 23, 2011

2nd Round of SweetPeaz

Boy 2 started pre-school a couple of weeks ago. We were a little nervous of how hard it would be to leave him there. Once he would be there he would be fine, but the continious hugs not wanting us to go was our worry. First day, smooth as pie. He just went to the window after 1 long hug and waved to me. There were no issues until yesterday, Carey said she picked him up and the teacher talked about the wonderful day he had and everything was fine.

Oh they don't hear his little voice once he leaves. He says to Carey, I hate this school! Walks to the stairs a little more, I hate those flowers! He always has some great under his breath comments that nobody sees coming. There's probably no reason for the comments and he will be fine, but he is pretty funny.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

The Girl with the Golden Hair

Just for fun, if you ever want to embarass Boy 1 ask him about Rose, the girl with the golden hair. It's pretty funny........he doesn't wanna talk about it.

They both went to pre-school together and the picture is from soccer camp this summer. Yeah, he digs chicks!

Monday, September 19, 2011

The Creepy Neighborhood Kid

Boy 2 has a fasincation with watching all of our neighbors through the windows or even in plain view and when someone starts mowing, everything else stops.

This has gone a step further now. Boy 2 asked for a drink and snack and then walked outside. He had pulled out his camp chair, set it in the driveway and watched John mow his lawn for about 15 minutes. Just sat their the whole time and made sure he did a good job I guess.