Thursday, July 21, 2011

Distracted Drivers

This picture gives me a chance to vent. Whenever I pass a car and the person has ear buds in I wonder if they can hear anything around them in traffic? Sirens, motorcycles, etc. Oh and while Im at it people with little dogs sitting in the drivers lap or its head hanging out the window, your telling me those people can swerve quickly if needed.

Ahhh, I feel better now!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

4th of July Weekend

The 4th was our first extended time off this year and it was so nice. We had a 4-day break from work and we did a few things but mainly stayed home did some small projects and swam in the pool.

We went to Reid State Park on Friday, this was the first time the boys had been to a beach with waves that they could swim at. Boy 1 was all about getting into the waves, Boy 2 not so much. We thought Reid State would be good because we could go over to the lagoon side for a little break from the waves. Well the lagoon was not what neither of us remembered as a kid. We both thought there was a sandy area to sit..............theres not and the mosquitos were unbeareable. The funniest thing at the beach was looking back at the surf and seeing Carey cracking-up laughing as Boy 1 was being rolled like a log in the surf. He jumped right back-up with a big smile and ran back in.

I took the picture of the back of the car initially because I couldn't believe how much stuff you need to pack to go to the beach. A cooler, food, toys, towels..etc. But once we got their I realized how efficient we were, my word people you will only be there for several hours.
Chairs, umbrellas, tents, multiple coolers, radios the list just goes on. It looked as though people were homeless carrying all of their possesions.

Because the 4th was a Monday and we had to be back to work bright and early on Tuesday we didn't go to any of the local fireworks shows. Instead we went to Portland on Sunday night and watched the Sea Dogs fireworks show following the game. We didn't have tickets to the game instead we drove to the top of the Maine Med parking garage and watched them from there. If youv'e ever spent any time at Maine Med you know the hospital overlooks the ball field. Great view and no traffic afterwards.

On the 4th we went to Bath to watch the parade. We had very good seats this year, we were close to City Hall, where the judges sit. This allowed us to watch any perfomances the parade participants were doing as well as there was live music prior to the parade. Our plan following the parade was to walk to Library Park for some food, the craft fair and they usually have a bounce house for the kids. Well we didn't read the timing of all the events so most everything was gone except for the food by the 4th. I don't understand Bath Heritage Days, the event is more important than the nations birthday. The whole reason they are successful is because they hold Heritage Days during the 4th weekend. Well, you really can't expect much from people that attended Morse High.

You can't tell me Boy 1 isn't scheming some plan to make Boy 2 do something he shouldn't in this picture!

Friday, July 8, 2011

My Nemesis...."Man Pants"

So when we pick-up Boy 2 from day care a sure way of knowing there has been an accident is when he is wearing the "Man Pants" These are now second generation, Boy 1 even had them. The man on the pants is a picture of rapper Tupac Shakur and they are about 5 sizes to big and he looks like a little thug.

The problem is he loves wearing them and Audrey knows that I am not a fan of them so they continue to be put on.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Happy Anniversary

It has been a very busy July 4th weekend and I promise I will get some updated postings out soon, but I wanted to make sure I got out the 2 year Anniversary posting of this blog. It all started July 4th, 2009 I was awake early and everyone else was sleeping so I decided to start the Boy 1 and Boy 2 Blog.

I am always finding myself going back through the postings myself just to watch the changes and there are many.

This is the first picture used on the Blog and a picture from today.......stay tuned!