Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Now, We Have a 1st Grader!

In just 9 short months we went from our oldest child beginning Kindergarten to now we have a 1st Grader.  Just looking back at pictures of the first day to the picture of his last day of Kindergarten you see we had a little boy, now we have boy.

He wears his backpack differently, has his ball cap on, he can read very well, hell yesterday in the back seat he was telling me how much hair he had growing on his legs!

Last Friday I stopped by Dairy Queen because his class walked there for an end of year treat.  Carey and Boy 2 were able to walk over with him, all I got was a wave and a "Hi Dad" as he ran off with his ice cream.  The rest of the time he was off with friends and never came over to see us......Yep growing very fast.

Which One of These Kids is Doing His Own Thing

Yep, we got the kid who decides at his end of year pre-school Art and Music Show that he ain't gonna participate.  During the performance his teachers come up and say "he's never like this during music time"  So we asked how come you didn't sing like the other kids?  "I just didn't wanna sing today"!  That simple.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

He Thinks We're Just Fishing

Over the past week we have been able to go fishing 3 times, each time learning a little bit more and yesterday it paid off.  Boy 1 caught his first fish!  He was so excited, it was awesome.  I got lucky yesterday and remembered to bring the video camera so everyone can see his excitement.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Angry Again

Not really sure what caused this one, but Boy 2 is angry again.  This time he refused to come in out of the rain after coming home from day care.  He gets so stubborn and mad very easily, you know its on when the veins start sticking out of his neck!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Quick Getaway

We went to Providence for a couple of days during April Vacation, we didn't have any specific plans other than to visit the Roger Williams Zoo.  We just figured we could explore once we were there.  It turned out to be a very good couple of days.  

 On Sunday, we visited Battleship Cove in Fall River, Mass.  We saw a flyer for this place and decided to check it out.  I was very cool.  If I didn't have kids tugging to keep moving to the next set of cannons I could have spent a lot of time there looking and reading.  They have a Battleship, Destroyer, Submarine and a Russian Missile ship on display for tour.  It is all self-guided and all of the boats are tied together at port and you have free range on where to go.

Monday was spent at the zoo and the large park area surrounding the zoo.  All of this area is named after Roger Williams (Founder of Rhode Island).  The zoo was great, there were giraffes, elephants, zebras, camels, buffalo, eagles, penguins.  It was very busy but amazingly wasn't so small it couldn't handle the crowd.

Following the zoo we paddled around in some swan boats in the park and walked different areas of the park.

This is outside the Hasbro World Headquarters in Pawtucket.  There is nothing to do here except take you picture with possibly the worlds largest Mr. Potato Head

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Naboo.....Over and Out!

A celebration of life was held in the downstairs bathroom of the Douglass residence for Naboo the fish. Although we only knew Naboo for 9 days, they were a joyous 9 days. Naboo now moves on to be with its previous bowl mates, Darthy and Grevous. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made the Douglass family vacation fund. There are hopes the vacation money could be used to go snorkeling in the Caribbean and see other fish in their natural environment.

I thought the daffodils really made it a special moment!

Saturday, March 3, 2012

R.I.P. Darthy and Grevous

Well we are on death watch. Yesterday morning Darthy died and this morning one of the new fish, Grevous, was found dead. We are now down to just Naboo and she ain't looking so healthy. We have moved her into the small tank......not sure if the new big tank has something wrong with it or not.

The boys took it well, we explained everything to them rather than running out and buying replacements. We have agreed once we figure out whats going on we will get some more fish.