Saturday, August 29, 2009

Much Better Time

Earlier this year we went to Boston for a visit to the New England Aquarium and Children's Museum as many of you know our visit to the aquarium was pure hell! We never thought about being there on a Friday in June....................the week that every school plans a field trip to Boston!!!!! We knew we were screwed when there were lines of school buses at the aquarium with every imaginable state license plate. $60.00 entrance fee and we ran away in less than an hour.

So today we tried our luck in Boothbay at the Maine State Aquarium. At least here the kids could touch different sea life in their tanks and the fee was only $10.00. There was a shark tank that Boy 1 and Boy 2 was able to touch and watch sharks. There was another tank that we could pick-up Star Fish, Sea Cucumbers (not me, Carey), Crabs, Snails, Oysters and Sea Urchins. Boy 1 really liked it, it gave him a chance to touch things he hadn't before.

Even though today was rainy and every tourist with kids in Boothbay was there, we still had plenty of room to move around and check things out. It didn't hurt that the aquarium had some lobster presentation that every out-a-stater ran to, that place just emptied right out.

Boy 1 Mug Shot

Well if we ever see a mug shot of Boy 1 on the news this is what it may look like. Guilty, Guilty, Guilty.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Finally, Some Summer Fun!

The weather only took two extra months to get here, but at least its here. I took some time off at the end of this week so we could enjoy the weather while its here. We hung around the house this morning, mowing the lawn, going to the dump (Solid Waste Facility...............stupid liberals........its a dump), playing in the sprinkler and kiddie pool. Then I got a brilliant idea, well it was really given to me by KB, but I can still take credit. I hooked-up one of the plastic cars the boys have (Thanks to the Breeds) to the lawn mower and gave Boy 1 and Boy 2 a ride.

After naps it was time for the ever shrinking Topsham Fair. Boy 1 has been talking about going on a Ferris Wheel for about eight months. It was in his Go Dog! Go! book. Carey kept saying I shouldn't get his hopes up for a Ferris Wheel in case it wasn't there. He also has been talking about going on the Carousel. Again, Carey saying we shouldn't get his hopes up. Who is she kidding..........a fair without a Ferris Wheel or Carousel!!! Wouldn't you know it neither one was there. Are you kidding me, are they freakin' Communists!!! They should have their entertainment license taken away. We did go on the closest thing to a Ferris Wheel, the parachute ride.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Now It's On The Internet

This picture is only here because Uncle Rusty said to delete the picture. God love the internet!!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Beach Day

We took a short ride over to Coffins Pond in Brunswick the other day for little swim. We ended-up there by accident last year, we attempted to go to Reid State Park last summer but got about 5 minutes from the gate and discovered we forgot the diaper bag for Boy 2. So we made the 40 minute trek back home and decided to just try Coffins Pond. The swim area is run by the Brunswick Rec Department. We did not have high hopes for the place, neither of us had been there since we were kids....................about 20 years ago!!!! We could not have been happier, great shallow swimming area for little ones, a 54 foot water slide, cheap entrance fee and only 5 minutes from home.

It's kinda funny you live on the coast of Maine and a great option is a man made pond with a gravel beach.

Boy 1 has become very comfortable in the water since last summer. Last year we went to Aunt Monica's pool and we could not get him in the water for any length of time. This winter though we swam alot at camp during a weekend trip and went to the Bowdoin College pool on Sundays for a free swim sponsored by the Topsham Rec. Now Boy 1 loves the water. He will swim by himself (with swimmies), jump off steps into the water and as you can see go down the slide alone. Heck if your not careful, he's been known to rip of the swimmies and try it without them.............but he quickly discovers he will sink like a rock!!!!!!