The weather only took two extra months to get here, but at least its here. I took some time off at the end of this week so we could enjoy the weather while its here. We hung around the house this morning, mowing the lawn, going to the dump (Solid Waste Facility...............stupid liberals........its a dump), playing in the sprinkler and kiddie pool. Then I got a brilliant idea, well it was really given to me by KB, but I can still take credit. I hooked-up one of the plastic cars the boys have (Thanks to the Breeds) to the lawn mower and gave Boy 1 and Boy 2 a ride.

After naps it was time for the ever shrinking Topsham Fair. Boy 1 has been talking about going on a Ferris Wheel for about eight months. It was in his Go Dog! Go! book. Carey kept saying I shouldn't get his hopes up for a Ferris Wheel in case it wasn't there. He also ha
s been talking about going on the Carousel. Again, Carey saying we shouldn't get his hopes up. Who is she kidding..........a fair without a Ferris Wheel or Carousel!!! Wouldn't you know it neither one was there. Are you kidding me, are they freakin' Communists!!! They should have their entertainment license taken away. We did go on the closest thing to a Ferris Wheel, the parachute ride. 
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