Saturday, July 24, 2010

Little Swimmers

The boys have come a long way this summer learning to swim. Boy 1 has taken 1 set of swimming lessons this past winter and Boy 2 hasn't done any. I think after this summer we will get the both of them into lessons this fall and winter. Boy 1 should be ready to take off all swimmies after the next set of lessons and Boy 2 won't be far behind next year.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Pressed Ham

Boy 2 thought he was so funny the other day running around with no diaper and then decided to participate in his first mooning...........out the front window. Those are some pretty cute cheeks though.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Hampster Wheel

During Heritage Days in Bath there was a ride where anyone under 200lbs (not me) could get inside a rubber ball that was inflated with a leaf blower and could run around in a pool of water for $8. As soon as Boy 1 saw this he had to do it.........and we just had to see it.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

You Better Hope the Cops Get You First

So we purchased a pool for the boys late last fall and put it up this spring. At this point there are not many pictures of the boys in it, well because it has been slashed by someone 2 times and attempted a 3rd.
The first cuts we thought were done by the lawn mower or Boy1 and Boy 2, but 4 days later there were more cuts, one being about 18" long. We found a broken black plastic pocket comb in the yard. This appears to be the weapon. So we proceeded to place trail cameras around the pool and property. This past Thursday night the flash of one of the cameras went off and I went out to check the yard, finding anything or anyone. I never checked the camera until the next day, we found a picture of the kid attempting to cut the pool a third time. Below his a picture from the camera.
This kid has a hugh set of nuts!! In the photo above he is about 10 feet from our living room, where the windows and shades were open.............with me sitting on the couch.