Sunday, July 19, 2009

A Week Together

Last Saturday we packed-up Boy 1 and Boy 2 and headed to Rangeley for the week. We bought a time share up there a couple of years ago and it was time for a little R&R. We keep referring to it as camp, but in no way does it qualify as camp, these places are just like home, but with a pool, hot tub and sauna. It was nice to not do much because this is the first time we were all together for a week since Grady was born last May.

We really didn't do much except relax and swim, that's what made it great. The weather was this summers typical forecast............cloudy, rainy, cold and one day of sun. Pathetically, some of the most fun Carey and I had was assembling a 1000 piece puzzle of The Kennebunks. Though we can only take credit for 998 pieces, 2 were missing!

Below is the first family photo with all four of us..................we really need to get our act together and get some pictures done!!!!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Who Needs Utensils?

Well, we figure at some point Boy 2 needs to learn to use a fork and spoon. Last night was going to be a good night to try, we had mashed potato's..................and we were eating outside. But some habits are hard to break. Check out the video, the spoon does make a brief appearance. We might wait awhile to introduce the knife.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes....Sort of!

Yesterday we went to the July 4th parade in Bath. This seems to be the best local parade with plenty to keep the kids interested, though you do have to arrive plenty early to get a decent view. Arriving early means having plenty of snacks and drinks for Boy 1 and Boy 2. Which means you better have a location near a bathroom for Boy 1.

As you can see from our picture selection we are closely following the guidelines for not having as many pictures of your second child as you do for your first. The best picture we have of Boy 2 is the back of his head.

Last year after the parade we took pictures of Boy 1 while climbing on the restored fire truck that Grampy Carl works on. Several members of Carey's family used to be assigned to the truck in its hay day. The two pictures show quite a change in Boy 1 in just a year....but still the same fascination.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

....and away we go!

Carey and I have been talking about doing this for some time, but like most things we kept putting it off. Well no more, I decided today we will jump in feet first and learn as we go.

Everyday is a new adventure with Boy 1 (Max) and Boy 2 (Grady) and we figured most people wouldn't believe us unless they saw it for themselves. This will be our attempt at bringing "The Cat in the Hat" to least the Thing 1 and Thing 2 part.