Sunday, July 5, 2009

What a Difference a Year Makes....Sort of!

Yesterday we went to the July 4th parade in Bath. This seems to be the best local parade with plenty to keep the kids interested, though you do have to arrive plenty early to get a decent view. Arriving early means having plenty of snacks and drinks for Boy 1 and Boy 2. Which means you better have a location near a bathroom for Boy 1.

As you can see from our picture selection we are closely following the guidelines for not having as many pictures of your second child as you do for your first. The best picture we have of Boy 2 is the back of his head.

Last year after the parade we took pictures of Boy 1 while climbing on the restored fire truck that Grampy Carl works on. Several members of Carey's family used to be assigned to the truck in its hay day. The two pictures show quite a change in Boy 1 in just a year....but still the same fascination.

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