Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Now, We Have a 1st Grader!

In just 9 short months we went from our oldest child beginning Kindergarten to now we have a 1st Grader.  Just looking back at pictures of the first day to the picture of his last day of Kindergarten you see we had a little boy, now we have boy.

He wears his backpack differently, has his ball cap on, he can read very well, hell yesterday in the back seat he was telling me how much hair he had growing on his legs!

Last Friday I stopped by Dairy Queen because his class walked there for an end of year treat.  Carey and Boy 2 were able to walk over with him, all I got was a wave and a "Hi Dad" as he ran off with his ice cream.  The rest of the time he was off with friends and never came over to see us......Yep growing very fast.

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