When we got home on Thursday night he was favoring his right arm a little bit, but being the caring parents we are just figured it was just sore or even being used as a way to watch the T.V. shows he wanted to watch. Audrey (Day Care Provider) told us he and Ricky were wrestling and he fell landing on his shoulder..........just like the 445,000 other times he has done that. If I would have started this blog earlier you would have seen the many bruises Boy 1 has incurred over the past several years. There is not 1 ounce of gracefulness in his body.
So after about 2 hours asleep in his bed, Boy 1 woke up crying alligator tears from trying to turn over in bed. So it was off to Parkview for x-rays. In the back of my mind I knew the arm was worse than just sore, it just took me until 10pm to accept it. On my way to the hospital I called Carey to Google the symptoms of a broken clavicle. She reported that many of the symptoms were what we had observed all night. If we just Googled this earlier I would not have had to make a trip to the hospital at 10 p.m.
The Dr. in the ER was great. He has two small children so he was able to talk to Max. Even before x-rays the Dr. knew it was broken. Max did great during the x-rays, listened and did everything the tech asked him to. How come he does this for others and not us? So the plan is a sling for a few weeks and he will be good as new in about 4 weeks.
Over the last few days we have learned that broken collarbones are common among kids due to the bone not being fully hard yet. As Dad and I were saying yesterday with all the wrestling around we do with the boys it was just plain luck that it hadn't happened with us.
Oh yeah.............some may ask, he's doing fine. He has adjusted well to the sling, it still hurts sometimes to turn himself over in bed, but he is getting by very well. We kinda like when he is being a good snuggly 3 year old rather than a limit pushing little puke, so this has been nice!
Poor guy- and yes I mean boy 1 not you:) Glad he is doing well though. They seem to mend so quickly, so don't get used to the snuggly guy too much!