Tuesday, August 30, 2011

First Day of Kindergarten

This day has snuck-up on us so fast. Our oldest child in going to school. Boy 1 has been counting down the days for about 3 weeks. Everyday..........Daddy, how many days until school? He is so excited to be going to school, which is awesome.

This morning we got pictures done outside of the house, Carey's Mom and Grandmother came over to get pictures and to watch Boy 1 get on the bus. Then we rushed over to the shool and saw him get off the bus. He didn't even hesitate going to school, gave everyone hugs and kisses and never looked back.

Tonight, I told him that he only has 2 more school days until he gets 4 days with Mommy and Daddy. He was so disappointed, "I wish I could go to school everyday." Wow.........keep studying buddy and get lots of scholarship money.

1 comment:

  1. Good to run into you guys tonight-- I cannot get over how big the boys are!! So glad he loves school so much:)
