So the boys wanted to be pirates for Halloween, well actually Boy 1 did and Boy 2 just wants to do what big brother wants lately. I do think Boy 1 will use this power for evil eventually. There is a cartoon on Disney called Jake and the Neverland Pirates, essentially it's Peter Pan.....with no Peter. So Carey again has an idea on how to "make" these costumes for the boys, whips out the sewing machine and presto you now have Jake and Captain Hook.
Though the picture doesn't really show it, the day before Halloween we got 5" of snow. I recall many years of having to wear hats and mittens while trick-or-treating or having to try to put some sort of coat under your costume but never trudging through snow. It only lasted for about 2 days, but it really sours your attitude when you get snow this early. It makes it worse when these two monkeys can't stop talk about how great snow is.

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