Today Carey and Boy 1 took me to a Portland Sea Dog's (Boston Red Sox Double A affiliate) game. This was my Fathers Day gift. I figured Boy 1 was old enough to try a game. Carey and I never figured he would survive all 9 innings...........but he did. He almost didn't though, in the bottom of the 8th he said that he was ready to go home. So we packed up and started going, only to get to the bottom of the grandstand and he said he was only kidding. So we marched back-up to our seats and watched the rest of the game. We were very happy with how well he did at the game. As expected many trips up and down to the bathrooms, concessions and souvenir stand but we could not have been happier with how well he watched and tried to learn the game.

The Sea Dogs lost the game 8-3.
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