Saturday, September 19, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do!

It is amazing how much Boy 2 is watching and learning from Boy 1......good and bad! Boy 1 likes to watch himself brush his teeth in the Mirror. I guess we all do that, but at his height the only options are the full length mirrrors. So now Boy 2 has to be right in front of big brother and do the same. It is amazing how Boy 2 is scrubbing back and forth so quickly after watching Boy 1 for awhile.

Now for the bad. These two are like bats screeching out for each other in the dark. They have their own language, as soon as one yelps out the other replys. It's funny when they are in different rooms and one screeches and the other simply replys without missing a beat of what they were doing. This video shows how they can play off each other in close proximity.................all the while Boy 1 manages to get his foot stuck in his short bus helmet.

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