Boy 1 has been engorged in Star Wars talk for quite some time now, in fact the only thing he asked Santa for was a Lite Saber, blue in color. We will have to see what Santa brings.
Everyone appeared to have made out very well in gifts, televisions, DVR recorder, luggage, Sea Dog tickets, gift cards, Root Beer (that's an inside story) and toys, toys and more toys. It became very apparent that Boy 1 is just go, go, go..... playing, running, screaming and in your face. Boy 2 on the other hand is just content to lay on the floor playing with new trucks nice and quiet.
There is nothing suttle when you get 3 boys together. Grampy Dave is fending off 2 of them pretty well, but the 3rd is coming up quick.
So somewhere between leaving our house and getting to Sheila's I seemed to have lost a gift card for Kevin to a video game store, so all he opened from us was a couple pairs of socks and a shirt, not the most exciting things to a 12 year old boy.
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