Sunday, December 27, 2009

"Daddy, Did Santa Come Yet?"

So at 7:50 a.m. Boy 1 yells out from his room "Daddy, did Santa come yet?" I thought it was much earlier than it was. I did get my Christmas wish that the boys would sleep til 7:30, which would be about 40 minutes longer than a normal day off. Boy 1 came into our room to force us up, thank god we have a gate at the top of the stairs that trapped him in while we got Boy 2's diaper changed before heading down.

I'm gonna take the easy way out and not describe everything that happened Christmas morning, just think back to when you were a kid. Everything started so nice and organized and then blew-up! You can write your own stories from the pictures. Though I will tell you, the train table was the biggest hit..............not the lite saber.

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