Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The Big Gift x2

Boy 2 had been doing such a good job riding Boy 1's 4 wheeler and wanting to be on it every free moment we thought it only appropriate he should have his own. Initially we were going to get him a John Deere battery operated tractor, and I think Carey believes we still should have, but I thought having a 4 wheeler like Boy 1 that goes the same speed would be best.

I'm not sure Boy 2 knew what to think on his birthday when we opened the garage and there were 2 of them their, he had no reaction. He just starred at them without saying anything. Once we told him it was his for his birthday he jumped right on and was happy as a clam. He is on the thing every chance, hell him riding his forces Boy 1 out of the house which is great.

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