Saturday, May 14, 2011

Game On

Last Saturday was the first of 6 Tee Ball games this season and we are the luckiest team in the league to have 3 of those 6 games at 8:30 a.m. So the first team sport we sign one of the boys up for is at the same time as Boy 2's swimming lessons, which means right of the bat we are splitting-up to go in different directions with each kid. Hi honey, bye honey!

The game was as good as the practices. 3 kids jumping on the same ball, kids just watching it roll by, running the bases in the outfield because they can't find 2nd base. Boy 1 had quite a cheering section, Carey, Boy2, Grampy Dave, Grammy, Aunt Sheila, Ron and myself. Grampy Carl did show-up but walked down the wrong trail to get to the field and said screw this and went back to his car. The field is a long way from the parking area, you know it makes the most sense having the smallest kids walk the furthest.

In the field Boy 1 played Center Field, 3rd Base and Pitcher. His attention span is best served in the infield. When in Center Field there was alot of digging in the dirt, watching planes and at one point he just dropped his glove to run over to me for a trip into the woods.

Shoulders squared, eyes on the ball, head down.........great form!

Max...Hey...Max...Max...put your glove....Max...Max...the batter is the other way...........Nevermind!

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